The Animation Series

Home » My Creations » Chronicles of Galadria » The Animation Series

What Is It?

I’m working on creating an animation series based on the story of the Chronicles of Galadria. Think Japanese anime, with various episodes and seasons that cover the entirety of the novel.

Besides combining the music and the story, this project will allow a wider audience to discover the Chronicles of Galadria. It will also strengthen the emotional impact of certain scenes and the adventure as a whole, and will be an opportunity to clarify specific messages I wish to share, but that got all mixed-up throughout the years of writing.

Indeed, now that the story is complete, it’s easier to have a global view over it and an extensive preparatory phase before starting anything, so as to clearly communicate the key messages. In contrast, the writing of the book was more spontaneous and chaotic (as explained here).

Current Stage

The Pitch Bible is ready and available upon request.
(i.e., the document describing the project: format, story, characters, visual & audio treatment, vision & messages…)

Looking for Production Companies

I’m looking for production companies interested in reading the Pitch Bible to potentially make this project happen.

Looking for a Graphic Artist

I need someone to illustrate (and thus strengthen) the Pitch Bible, who would then go on to supervise all graphic aspects of the project (as Artistic Director or similar) once a deal is signed with a production company.

Therefore, I’m looking for a real partner rather than a supplier — someone able to dive in the story and ready to work closely with me to define how it’ll all look.